Store Address:                                                                                                   

271  Inshes Ave
Chatham ON
N7M 2Z6

Store pick up and viewing hours:
Monday:             9:30am - 4pm
Tuesday:            9:30am- 4pm
Wednesday:      9:30am- 4pm
Thursday:          9:30am- 4pm
Friday:                9:30am- 4pm
Every other Saturday:    By appointment only



We welcome all customers to our facilities to view or pick up product. If you are not available during our store times, let us know and we can set something up with you.

Have a question, need a quote, have an assembly issue, need to know if we can do a little better?

Any questions you might have we will do our best to answer and help in anyway we can..

Email or call us and we will get back to you in a very timely manner.

We pride ourselves on treating you right so do not hesitate to reach out!




MUDDY RIVER WHOLESALE is a brand new venture for 2016. But we have been helping big box stores and retailers source and design products all over North America for over 20 years. We specialize in creating relationships directly with manufacturers in North America, China, Taiwan and parts of Africa.

This means we can design and distribute the products we carry at the very lowest prices, period.

There is no Middle Man! We deal directly with the manufacturers and often design our own products to meet our customers needs.

We look forward to working with customers on our new and exciting venture!

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